Solutions for Therapy Follow Up
Solutions for Therapy Follow Up
Digital blood pressure adjustment.
- Significantly better therapeutic results.
- Considerable time savings for doctors and patients.
- Immediate therapy adjustments due to automatic status reports.
Real-time transmission of measured values. Regular control of values and therapy adjustment by the doctor as necessary.
Successsful treatment thanks to optimum therapy adjustments, as well as long-term success thanks to high patient compliance.
The patient‘s adherence management begins with the medical diagnosis of hypertension. For an effective therapy setting, it is therefore crucial to monitor blood pressure while taking medication and make adjustments if necessary.
With our blood pressure telemedicine systems, you can support patients in the first few weeks of their treatment. Daily measurements from the patient, which can be transmitted directly to the practice from anywhere in the world thanks to the integrated GSM module, can be viewed at any time or summarised into an automated report.
The knowledge that the doctor is constantly monitoring the undistorted values helps to enhance patient compliance and boost the patient’s awareness. The minimal effort and simplification of the blood pressure treatment increases patient satisfaction and makes everyday practice easier. It has also already been scientifically proven that telemedicine is superior to conventional therapy.
Telemedicine has enabled blood pressure readings to be reduced much more substantially in the first few weeks and – with improved patient compliance – more durably thank with conservative therapy.*
As a pioneer of innovative solutions, you can offer patients the fastest way to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
* Source: Neumann CL, Menne J, Schettler V et al. Long-term effects of 3-month telemetric blood pressure intervention in patients with inadequately treated arterial hypertension. Telemed J E Health. 2015; 21(3):145-50